The current pandemic we are experiencing has affected the operations of The Designers Group.
I am so impressed with my team and how we have used our strengths to come together during these turbulent times. More so than ever, some resilient skills have shone through in the new interior design environment.

There are a few traits I believe are the most coveted in the current climate.
1 - Flexibility
As soon as daily life changed so dramatically, we had to take every day as it came. I believe that this ability to improvise was one of the most valuable skills I have seen in my employees.
Now that our clients are more aware of health concerns after the outbreak of the pandemic, we had to adjust designs for what they prioritize as being desirable in this new and uncertain time.
This required my team to rethink what they had been taught. Ignore the standards of the interior design they know. And have the responsible attitude to do what it takes to meet the demands and place our projects at the cutting-edge of design.
