At The Designers Group, we believe in designing with purpose, and that purpose extends beyond the walls of the spaces we create. Through our TDG Gives Back initiative, we are committed to using our platform and success to support causes that matter and make a difference in the world.
One of the events we sponsored recently was The Next Step, which took place at Eden Gallery. As a design firm, the venue was a perfect fit for us to align our mission with a cause that is close to our hearts. The Next Step focuses on helping Israeli amputees rebuild their lives and independence, and it was an honor to support such an initiative in a setting that reflects our passion for art and design.
Another cause we are deeply committed to is RCCS, which provides essential medical services and financial support to cancer patients.
This is a charity that we’ve sponsored for several years now, raising over $65,000 in support of their life-saving work. Knowing that we’ve played a role in helping families during one of the most challenging times of their lives fills us with gratitude and the responsibility to continue contributing to this incredible organization.
Our work with Shalva is another example of how giving back inspires our design philosophy. Shalva’s building, which provides comprehensive care and support for children with disabilities, inspired us when we began designing schools for special needs. Supporting Shalva has been a humbling experience, reminding us of the power that thoughtful, inclusive design can have in shaping lives.

We’re also looking forward to our upcoming sponsorships with Ezer Mizion and JITC (Jew in the City). Ezer Mizion is a leading organization known for operating the largest bone marrow registry, and we’re excited to play a part in their event soon. Additionally, our sponsorship with JITC, an organization that works to break down stereotypes, reflects our values of inclusion and empowerment. Details on both events will be coming soon, and we can’t wait to share more.
Each of these initiatives, whether it’s sponsoring events for cancer care, supporting children with disabilities, or helping amputees rebuild their lives, reflects our commitment to making a positive mark on the world. TDG Gives Back is about more than charitable donations—it’s about aligning our work and values with causes that truly matter. We believe that by supporting these important organizations, we’re not just creating better spaces but building a better future for all.
